Mycotoxins produced by moulds are a growing problem in pet food production chains globally. In recent years the majority of pet food recalls were due to aflatoxin B1 contamination which is potentially harmful and can even be a deadly contaminant in pet food. Next to this, pet’s long-term exposure to low or moderate levels of mycotoxins can result in a suboptimal health status. These acute as well as low to moderate levels of mycotoxins call for the formulation of safe cereal-based diets

How it works

  • Consists of bentonite (smectite based), which have shown to be highly effective in reducing mycotoxin’s bioavailability.
  • TOXO-XL contains specifically selected glucose biopolymers and purified ß-glucans to reinforce the intestinal barrier function and the immune system, which are mainly affected by Fusarium mycotoxins such as Trichothecenes and Fumonisins.

Product application

TOXO-XL should be used in cases of mycotoxin contamination in raw materials or complete feed. TOXO-XL can be incorporated into the feeding program via premixes or feed.


Bullet 2


TOXO-XL should be used in cases of mycotoxin contamination in raw materials or complete pet food. TOXO-XL can be incorporated into the nutritional programme via premixes or pet food.

Solution Offering – Mycotoxin Risk Management

TOXO-XL is part of Trouw Nutrition's Mycotoxin Risk Management Solution offering to prevent and mitigate the adverse effects of dietary mycotoxins in pet health.




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